Driven by the favourable current, the boats have accelerated considerably at the tip of English Cornwall. By midday, half the fleet had rounded the Scilly DST to the east and were beginning their crossing of the Celtic Sea on a long starboard tack with plenty of wind. A small group of 8 prototypes has broken away from the pack, which now stretches over 80 miles. At the head of this group is the 1019 Repremar Logistics sailed by Frederico Waksman and Léo Bothorel, with a lead of 2 miles over those chasing after her, i.e. almost no-one. Fransceco Farci and Pietro Mureddu’s 520 Gintonic has been in first place since yesterday evening in the Series.. It now looks like being caught by the 921 of the Belgian-French duo Michaël Gendebien and Quentin Riché. The Italian pair are having a remarkable race, and one that has attracted a lot of attention, as their boat, although designed for light airs, is a ‘pointy one’ almost 20 years old. At the rear, the 335, sailed by Jean-Baptiste de Sansonetti and Jamie Townsend, overtook the 346, sailed by Franck Lauvray and Edouard Bourely. These two final prototypes should soon be leaving the English Channel.